FRODO is information and control commandspot for your camper or caravan trailer.
It calculates how much time remains untill you have to fill up water, gas or electricity. Intuitive use of touchscreen interface allows you to control all systems in your language. On top of it, you can comfortably connect to internet. It is affordable substitution for old analog consoles that brings new horizons to travellers user experience.
We found out that vast majority of campers are rented to or owned by people, who specially love simplicity when it comes to use of electronics. With that in mind we integrated also a “comic like” user manual into the unit itself.

User Manual

FRODO design layout
Information display
One glance over display is enough to clearly see all the information about stocks of water, electricity, gas, etc.
Calculation of autonomy
The system measures consumptions on numerous occasions and intelligently calculates how much time can the vehicle be independent (in days or hours).
Centralized control
Everything from one point. From turning water pump, heater, setting inside temperature,…
Hassle free travelling. The system alerts every time the level of Gas, Water, etc. reaches critical level. Now planning the next stop on the road to refill is much easier.
In your native language – Localization
Because the system is fully customizable we offer graphic interface in your language.
User friendly operation
Logic induced interface is supported with User manual of the whole vehicle embedded in the unit. For example driver can press info button when the water tank is empty to see how to refill it.
Connectivity on the go – Internet access point (optional)
Module for Internet connectivity through GPRS 3G network.
Measuring gas level (optional)
Module for measuring gas levels in containers.
Intrusion alarm (optional)
The desired alarm system can be connected to the unit.
Cooking gas, flood and sleeping gas alarm, etc. (optional)
All sorts of sensors and devices can be connected to the unit in order to achieve centralized control and overview of the trailer or camper.
The connection on existing sensory infrastructure
Frodo has been designed for users and manufacturers in mind. There is no drastic change needed in assembly line. Frodo is an intelligent substitute for analog control unit that can be easily integrated into any camper or trailer setup. With all possible customisations and modularity the unit can work with any kind of system such as ©SCHAUD, ©ALDE, etc. It also offers camper manufacturer designers freedom to expand travel and homing user experience in future.

FRODO integration example
Electronics design
Our team has many years experiences in automotive electronics industry with all of the demanding characteristics of operating environment. Frodo has been built from the ground up. Hardware and software components are specifically designed for the usage where low energy consumption are needed.
Examples of installation of the FRODO unit in Camper

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